Thursday, December 18, 2014

Blogging Project

So today I decided to do a bunch of PBL's for school, because at least one is required for most courses, and it's worth 5% of your grade. For this PBL, I have to state why taking this "Computer Literacy" course is going to help me get a job. Well:

One factor would be that we have been practicing typing a bit throughout this course. Many jobs, especially technical ones, require a fast typing speed. I took a typing test recently and got 81 wpm, but on the first one I took for this course I got 69, so my speed has definitely improved. Now that I have a faster typing speed, I'm more likely to get a job, at least in the technical fields.

Another reason taking this course may help me get a job is the requirement of a formal writing style. I don't exactly have to use this on my blog, because it's a blog. However, when contacting someone via email or even text, you want to look as professional as possible. This is a very important skill for many jobs, and this course has covered that.

There are more ways in which this class may help me attain a job, but the project said only two paragraphs, so I'm stopping here.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Gamification's Awesome!

This is another post I was required to make for my Computer Literacy project. However, I learned something really cool in the process. Apparently, Gamification is the process by which teachers use game design and game theory to make learning more appealing. I found this really interesting, as I'm a big gamer myself, and it's now becoming a learning tool for students. Earning badges and trophies offer positive reinforcement, and virtual identities allow for self-expression, which both offer great incentive. If you'd like to know more on this topic, here's where I got the information from: Information.

Computer Literacy Project

1. In this class, I've learned how to modify the format and font styles of pages.

2. I've also learned formal definitions for terms such as RSS, url, etc.

3. Lastly, I've learned how to use google calendar, which seems the most useful for me personally.

                                                                                                          Google Calendar Example^